Action Plan Takeaways & Enriched Messaging | White-label Digital Health Solutions

Action Plan Takeaways & Enriched Messaging

Available: June 9, 2022


This update includes enhancements to the participant user interface and new program management functions for client administrators.

Action Plan Enhancements

New, printable takeaways have been added to the core action plans to provide infographics, checklists, and best practices that reinforce key learnings. Please refer to the Health Action Plans Summary for a list of takeaways for each action plan.

In addition, the Back Pain Action Plan has been updated to include updated content. Participants already enrolled in the Back Pain action plan will begin seeing this new content at the time of this release.

Push Messaging Enhancements

The push messaging editor is now utilizing a “What You See is What You Get” interface, allowing client administrators to enhance the look and feel of their messages, including images and links to videos. Clients should refer to the updated Client Services Administration Guide to see options and recommendations for sending messages with videos to meet email marketing best practices.

Bulk Messaging Updates

Client administrators with the ability to send Bulk Messaging can now see a list of participants who have received bulk messages including whether received via email or text. In addition, client administrators can more readily track messages scheduled for distribution and messages already sent.