Action Plans for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Action Plans


Transforms bad lifestyle choices into healthy habits one small step at a time.

Transforms bad lifestyle choices into healthy habits one small step at a time.

Transforms bad lifestyle choices into healthy habits one small step at a time.

Prevention and Management
Prevention & Management

Address today’s most common chronic conditions using robust self-management tools.

Addresses today’s most common chronic conditions using robust self-management tools.

Addresses today’s most common chronic conditions using robust self-management tools.

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ConXus Action Plans educate and motivate participants to make gradual lifestyle changes that lead to sustainable improvements in health behavior.

These NCQA-certified tools may be delivered as self-learning modules or assigned by coaches using the ConXus Health Coaching System to enhance wellness and disease management programs. Deploying ConXus Action Plans with the ConXus Health Assessment drives participants to personalized recommendations.


Financial Action Plan
Financial Wellness

Promoting financial well-being by developing strategies for spending, saving, and protecting assets

Healthy Eating Action Plan
Healthy Eating

Shopping for healthy options, preparing healthier meals, and making wise selections when eating out

Physical Activity Action Plan
Physical Activity

Learning the benefits of different types of activity and how to fit activity into a busy day

Quitting Smoking Action Plan
Quitting Smoking

Preparing to quit, surviving quit day, and staying smoke-free

Risky Drinking Action Plan
Risky Drinking

Developing the skills to avoid risky drinking behaviors and to moderate drinking patterns

Stress Management Action Plan
Stress Management

Identifying stressors and taking control of stressful situations and feelings

Weight Management Action Plan
Weight Management

Making healthier choices in eating habits and increasing the amount and intensity of physical activity

Prevention and Management

Back Care Action Plan
Back Care

Helping participants understand current back pain and techniques for reducing their risks of a future episode

Depression Action Plan

Managing moods, recognizing signs of depression, and learning where to find support

Heart Disease Management Action Plan
Heart Disease Management

Reducing risks for complications through healthy behaviors and care providers’ support

Heart Disease Prevention Action Plan
Heart Disease Prevention

Recognizing heart disease risks and learning how to lower them through heart-healthy choices

Diabetes Management Action Plan
Diabetes Management

Controlling blood sugar with better lifestyle choices and stronger support networks

Diabetes Prevention Action Plan
Diabetes Prevention

Recognizing diabetes risk factors and learning how to lower them through healthy lifestyle choices

On enrollment, a participant’s health risks, stage of change, goals, and barriers are combined to create a personalized learning plan. Weekly actions help the individual prepare for change, take small steps toward a goal, overcome setbacks, and measure progress. Rigorously researched, lessons include animated and expert-hosted videos from Healthwise®. Quizzes, reminders, and rewards reinforce learning, prompt action, and celebrate success.

NCQA Certified

Action plans have earned Wellness and Health Promotion certification from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for WHP 7: Self-Management Tools.

Health plans deploying action plans to members receive automatic credit when undergoing NCQA Health Plan Accreditation for Population Health Management (PHM) 4: Wellness and Prevention, Elements H-K.

8 Dimensions of Well-being
8 Dimensions of Wellbeing 300x200

The 8 Dimensions of Well-being

Well-being is an evolving concept with interconnected dimensions that provide the foundation for a fulfilling life. Physical, emotional, social, intellectual...

Well-being is an evolving concept with interconnected dimensions that provide the foundation for a fulfilling life. Physical, emotional, social, intellectual...

Sustainable Behavior Change
Behavior Change

Sustainable Behavior Change

Behavior change is difficult. Whether it is exercising more, eating healthier, or better managing blood pressure attempts to change health-related behaviors often fail.

Behavior change is difficult. Whether it is exercising more, eating healthier, or better managing blood pressure attempts to change health-related behaviors often fail.

PDHI Earns NCQA Certification for the 7th Consecutive Time
NCQA-certified health risk assessment

PDHI Earns NCQA Certification for the 7th Consecutive Time

At PDHI, we focus on delivering best-in-class products to clients. That’s why our ConXus health appraisal and self-management tools...

At PDHI, we focus on delivering best-in-class products to clients. That’s why our ConXus health appraisal and self-management tools...

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