ConXus Administrator | White-label Digital Health Solutions

Program and User Management

Available: March 5, 2014

This product upgrade includes enhancements to the administration tools for managing portal eligibility, employer groups, and user accounts. It also provides enhanced capabilities for creating and updating program news and defining referrals.

 Portal Eligibility Management

Administrators can now add/edit eligibility data within an active portal. Existing eligibility data can be searched based on any combination of:

  • Last name
  • Member ID (including company>
  • User ID (i.e. ConXus user ID)
  • Alternate ID
  • Date of birth
  • Participant status (enabled, disabled, or all)

Employer Group Management

Tools have been added to create and manage new root and sub employer groups. Employer group access can be granted to individual admin/coach users or to user groups of coaches/administrators.


A tab has been added to allow administrators to define referrals for a site and/or a specific employer group. Referrals can be recorded by screeners as part of a screening event or by health coaches as part of encounter documentation.

User Management

When administering client users (coach, screener, and administrator), there are now two tabs, one for active users and the other for disabled users.

When administering lists of users (coaching group, employer group, screening event access, and user group membership) disabled users cannot be added and any disabled users already in the list are marked as disabled.

Employer News and Program Details

Administrators can now create/edit text using a WYSISYG editor that ensures that no ‘unsafe’ HTML tags are included. This editor supports basic text editing functions such as bold, italics, bullets, and headings. It also allows creation of links to external web pages and email (mailto:) tag.