Report and Screening Enhancements | White-label Digital Health Solutions

Report and Screening Enhancements

Available: February 22, 2016

New in this update is the option for ConXus administrators to schedule reports at daily, weekly, or monthly intervals, in addition to submitting them manually for immediate execution.  Enhancements have been made to Qualifying Activities and Wellness Targets reports and data exports. And the screening tools have been updated to better match the screener’s workflow.

A detailed description of these changes is provided below. Please refer to the updated ConXus Administrator User Guide in the Knowledge section of the Client Services Portal for additional information. New Program Setup documents including Program Setup, Challenge Setup, and Event Setup have also been updated for use with the new mobile platform. Please begin using these new forms.

Description of Enhancements

Report Scheduling

Administrators granted the appropriate privilege may now schedule reports to run at daily, weekly, or monthly intervals for a defined time frame and using a defined set of selection criteria. The first time a report is scheduled, the administrator selects the run frequency, the recurrence time period, and the other selection criteria to be applied to the report.

The Scheduled option on the Reports page lists each scheduled report together with the last run date/time and the next run date/time. Scheduled reports run automatically in the early morning and are delivered to the Completed/Pending tab.

In order to support report scheduling, all reports that include a date range in the selection criteria have been updated to use a drop-down selector. This change impacts all administrators running reports, not just those with the privilege for report scheduling. Client administrators can now choose a timeframe from the drop-down, such as Current Year, Last Year, etc., or administrators may select “custom” to choose a date range to match their reporting needs.

Qualifying Activities (Time Period)

This new report lists all participants with a selected qualifying activity and status, where the status was reached in the selected time period. For example, all participants who met the overall program qualification in the month of January.

This report complements the existing report that provides the current status of all qualifying activities for all selected program participants.

Report Output Include Fields

Administrators have previously been able to select the identification fields, such as User ID and employer group, to be included in the report output for the health risk assessment management reports. This functionality has been added to the Qualifying Activities and Wellness Targets reports.

In addition, the user identification fields of first and last name, gender, and date of birth previously selected as one option have been separated into two options to provide greater flexibility in output:

  • First and last name
  • Gender and date of birth

Qualifying Activities Export

This new export uses the same selection criteria as the new Qualifying Activities (Time Period), but produces the data in a format designed for data transfer. The selection allows you to select from Comma Delimited, Pipe Delimited, or Tab Delimited for presentation. Custom field layout is available for specific order and field requirements by working with your Client Services Consultant.

Updates to Screening Tools

The screening tools have been updated to better match the workflow of a screener and to add new configurable fields for e-mail and telephone number. The e-mail and telephone number can now be selected as fields to collect on a screening-by-screening basis. The tab sequence has also been changed so that Referrals and Comments now appear after the online Report summary. This allows screeners to review the individual’s risks before commenting or referring and prevents backward navigation to make these choices.