ConXus Challenges V3
Available: June 19, 2017
ConXus Challenges V3 includes a new challenge dashboard, as well as simplified tracking, and enhanced progress charts.
- Challenges currently active will display using the new challenge dashboard but will otherwise function as before.
- Challenges not yet started may take full advantage of enhanced features. Your Client Services Consultant will work with you to upgrade your challenge templates and programs.
Description of Enhancements
1. Enhanced User Experience
The challenge dashboard provides a complete view of the challenge, including tracking, progress, milestones reached, and incentives earned. Upgraded trackers, optimized for mobile devices, simplify logging results, while enhanced progress charts show current progress as well as next and final milestones.

2. Additional Challenge Home Page Widgets
Clients now have the ability to separate challenges into different home page widgets based on the type of challenge. For example, clients can have team challenges appear in a separate widget from personal or individual challenges. This allows clients to promote specific challenges.
3. Eat Well Challenge
Each week it provides tips to help users reach daily recommendations for the following foods: fruits and veggies, grains, fats, and sugars.