ConXus Platform Enhancements – December 2023
Release Date: December 6, 2023
These enhancements include updates to software functionality and features as well as fixes to reported issues. We do not expect any downtime for the completion of this update.
Member Tools
Improved Personal Health Record UI
We have updated the user interface for the personal health widget to provide a simpler and more consistent user experience.

Wellness Events – YouTube Videos
YouTube videos embedded in a wellness event now support expansion to full screen and rewind functions, consistent with the support already provided for Vimeo videos.
Wellness Events – Google Translate
Google Translate is now fully supported for wellness events.
Client Tools
Bulk Ordering of Self-Collection Kit
As part of our partnership with CoreMedica labs, we now support onsite pickup of self-collection kits in addition to home delivery.
Clients interested in utilizing self-collection kits should contact their Client Services Consultant for additional information.
Health Risk Assessment Aggregate – Social Factors
The health risk assessment aggregate reports for single and two time periods have been updated to include social factors (Social Determinants of Health, SDOH) data collected in HRA V4.2 and higher versions.
UserType Selection
UserType selection has been optimized to filter out obsolete user types, presenting a shorter list.
Message Templates
Message template selection now supports search by template name or description to simplify retrieval. The name column in the grid can now be resized to better view templates with long names.