ConXus Platform Enhancements — March 2023 | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Platform Enhancements — March 2023

Available: March 13, 2023


These enhancements include upgrades to the underlying platform technology, updates to software functionality and features, and fixes to several reported issues. The update will be completed during our standard maintenance period on the morning of March 13, 2023.

Platform Technology Upgrades

To maintain currency with various supporting tools and technologies used by the ConXus Platform, this update includes platform upgrades that provide enhanced performance and security compliance. These upgrades do not change any user features or product interfaces.

Software Features

The following updates have been made to software functionality and features.

Biometrics – CoreMedica At-Home Test Kits

To simplify billing for clients using the CoreMedica at-home test kits who have multiple end-clients, we now support CoreMedica sub-accounts at the employer group level. This allows kit orders to be tracked by end-client for CoreMedica billing.

Reporting – Updated Incentive Listing Report Selection

To better support incentives that have been flagged as deleted by client administrators, the Incentive Listing report has been updated to include an option to exclude incentives that have been logically deleted. This allows client administrators to better identify incentives that are valid for redemption.

Instagram Widget

Due to Instagram’s policy changes and implementation of fees for use of their API, we have retired support for the Instagram widget. This option will no longer be available on the member dashboard.

Reported Issues

The following issues have been corrected.

Events – Vimeo and YouTube

When using Vimeo or YouTube as part of the Events module in some browsers, the “Play” button and the display of the video was suboptimal. This update corrects the issues encountered by some participants.

Challenges – HumanAPI Status Error

If a participant with a connected device using HumanAPI completes a password change with the device manufacturer, the device connection errored. This update corrects the interface between PDHI and HumanAPI allowing the user to continue to manage their device syncing.

Challenges – Text Wrapping in Step Challenge

When using the step challenge in Edge and Firefox, the question response options did not wrap correctly. This update corrects this issue.