ConXus Platform Enhancements – October 2018 | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Platform Enhancements – October 2018

Available: October 10, 2018


This update includes enhanced program testing capabilities for program managers as well as a number of other enhancements.

Enhanced Program Testing

To facilitate testing of program components such as challenges occurring later in the year, program managers may now change the session date for test users. This allows the program manager to walk through the participant experience for the full program, including future events.

Session Date Testing Enhancement

Qualifying Activities

To better support reasonable alternatives, qualifying activities have been extended to allow a new qualifying activity to be created when an existing activity is not met. An example would be requiring participation in coaching when biometric targets are not met.

Point Awards for Wellness Events

Clients may define wellness events with multiple options and associated incentives. For example, a preventive screening event that includes a number of checkups and tests such as mammogram, papsmear, colonoscopy or eye exam. The point award description now includes both the event and the option, providing more complete information to the participant and in management reports.

Social Wellness — Instagram

Support has been added to integrate an Instagram page into the Wellness Hub. Each end-client program can integrate to an end-client specific page, allowing end-client wellness coordinators to post news, images, and events.

Instagram Integration