ConXus Profile Health Risk Assessment | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Profile v4.1: Health Assessment

Available: May 15, 2017


ConXus Profile v4.1 provides clients with greater flexibility in program design for the questions to be included in the questionnaire and the results required for biometrics complete. It includes updates to the tobacco use, alcohol use, and blood pressure checkup questions and assessments for compliance with current guidelines. It also introduces new questions related to interaction with a health coach and work-life balance.

Description of the Enhancements

1. Questionnaire Configuration Options
Inclusion of the following questions can now be configured for each program:

  • All questions in the section: Workplace Productivity
  • All questions in the section: Contact Details
  • Individual question: Would you be interested in working with a health coach?

2. Biometrics Complete Configuration
The definition of biometrics complete, used to determine if the HRA can be locked, may now be configured for each program. In addition, the option to include self-reported values when determining completion status is provided.

3. Question Changes
The following questions have been added:

  • Tobacco Use: Do you use e-cigarettes, e-pipes, hookah pens, vape pens, or similar devices?
  • Diagnosed Conditions: Thyroid disorder
  • Prescription Medications: Thyroid disorder
  • Emotional Health: How satisfied are you with your work-life balance?
  • Health Status: Would you be interested in working with a health coach?

The three detailed questions related to alcohol use have been replaced as follows to meet NIAA 2017 guidelines:

  • On average, how many days per week do you drink?
  • On a typical drinking day, how many drinks do you have?
  • On any day in the past year, did you have more than 4 drinks? (Males)
  • On any day in the past year, did you have more than 3 drinks? (Females)

4. Assessment Changes
The following assessments have been updated:

  • Tobacco use: Add e-cigarette usage and amend the assessment for low-use, long-term ex-smokers.
  • Alcohol use: Update to use the revised questions and scoring for consistency with NIAA 2017 guidelines.
  • Blood pressure check: Reduce the age recommendation for annual screening from 55 to 40, per USPTF guidelines.

5. Member and Provider Reports
The following sections of the member and provider report have been updated to reflect the changes to the questions and assessments:

  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • Blood pressure check

6. Data Exchange
The HRA Data Export File and Member Data Services have been updated to reflect the field changes in this update.