ConXus Rewards–Wellness Improvement Targets | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Rewards–Wellness Improvement Targets

Available: July 10, 2017


Wellness Improvements Targets extends the incentive design options that can be supported for outcome-based programs. Incentives may now be awarded to participants who do not meet required target levels but have shown significant improvement from a prior program. This offers a reasonable alternative that rewards healthy change for participants at all risk levels.

Description of the Enhancements

ConXus Rewards is highly configurable, supporting complex incentive designs based on participation and outcomes. For outcome-based programs, this upgrade extends the capability of the qualifying activities module to award incentives for meeting defined program targets or, if unattained, by awarding incentives for meeting a defined improvement in results from the prior program.

The following options are available for outcome-based programs:

  • Measures to be used for targets.
  • The target level for each measure.
  • The improvement target for each measure.
  • Other reasonable alternatives, if neither targets nor improvement targets are met.

Wellness improvement targets are calculated as qualifying activities, so can be over-ridden by a health coach when the participant is eligible for an exemption.

Results available to use in improvement targets include:

  • Wellness score
  • Physical health score
  • BMI
  • Waist circumference
  • Blood Pressure
  • Total cholesterol
  • LDL cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • Fasting/nonfasting blood glucose
  • A1C

Reports available to program administrator identify participants who met the target level, met the improvement target, or met the reasonable alternative.

Here’s a sample program design that can be supported:

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Target level:
Improvement target:
Reasonable alternative standard:
Less than 28
5% reduction from prior year
Complete wellness coaching

Improvement targets are displayed to the user within the Program Requirements widget. The images below show the user experience.

Participant 1

  • Failed BMI target
  • Met improvement target

wellness target tiered

Participant 2

  • Failed BMI and improvement targets
  • Eligible for coaching

wellness targets bronze tier