ConXus Wellness and Benefits Hub Update | White-label Digital Health Solutions

ConXus Wellness and Benefits Hub Update

Available: November 2, 2017


This update includes a number of enhancements to the layout and functionality of the participant wellness dashboard. It also includes a new version of the Maintain Don’t Gain challenge and some minor enhancements to the Lose for Health challenge.

Coaching Widget

Two enhancements have been made to the coaching widget to improve communication with participants for coached programs.

  • The coaching widget, containing an image and text, can be displayed prior to the participant being assigned a coach. The widget may be configured to display to all participants in a program, or to participants eligible for coaching only.
  • The layout of the coaching widget has been enhanced to provide easier access to appointments and goals. These sections display only if the participant has appointments or goals.
Health Coach

Rewards Widget

For programs that use incentive point tracking, the Rewards widget has been extended to provide a list of redemptions, displayed below the list of awards, if the participant has any redemptions.


Assessments Widget

Assessments completed in previous programs are now available for review by the participant. To be included, assessments must have been completed using HRA V3.1 and newer.

Health Assessment

The ability to allow additional assessments to be completed by the participant during the current program is also now supported. This option is controlled by the program configuration.

Resources Widget

Form upload and download available through the Resources widget so it no longer requires a custom widget. The process now also supports multiple named forms within the same program, to simplify processing and access by the health coach.

Maintain Don’t Gain and Lose for Health Challenges

The Maintain Don’t Gain and Lose for Health challenges have been reconfigured as 8-week step challenges, to take full advantage of the capabilities of the challenge dashboard. Each week participants complete steps that include weight tracking, tips, and healthy options. Reminder messages and peer groups provide motivation and support.