New Coronavirus Resources | White-label Digital Health Solutions

New Coronavirus Resources

Available: March 26, 2020

In light of the current pandemic, PDHI has partnered with Healthwise to offer free resources about the coronavirus, or COVID-19. We have created a Coronavirus Resources widget for all clients regardless of their contract options for the Healthwise Knowledgebase. This widget includes information on how to stay healthy and help stop the spread.

Trusted videos and articles, provided in English and Spanish, cover:
Screenshot of the Coronavirus Resources Widget in the PDHI Portal

  • What is coronavirus?
  • 5 Steps hand washing
  • If you have it
  • Social distancing
  • Slowing the spread
  • Keeping your home safe
  • Advice for people at high risk
  • Managing anxiety
  • Pushing back
  • Questions for parents
  • Talking to kids
  • Caring for yourself
  • Why people are worried