Back Care Action Plan - ConXus Steps | White-label Digital Health Solutions

Back Care Action Plan

Available: June 11, 2015

PDHI has added Back Care to the ConXus Steps online health action-plan library.

ConXus Steps is a suite of personalized action plans that promote behavior change and healthy lifestyle choices. The library now features thirteen health-improvement plans, including all seven of the topics required in the National Committee for Quality Assurance Wellness and Health Promotion Standards: Self-Management Tools (NCQA WHP 7).

Detailed Description

This action plan helps people with back pain learn coping skills and helps those at risk prevent future episodes. Emphasis is placed on understanding back health and the control and prevention of back pain. The Back Care plan helps participants to:

  • Set realistic goals toward better back health
  • Overcome barriers in reaching these goals
  • Track progress toward each goal, transforming small changes into healthier habits
  • Locate people, organizations, and information that can provide support

Implementation Timeline & Process

Clients licensing ConXus Steps may upgrade to receive the Back Care action plan without any change to existing technology access fees.