Stephanie Kaslly | White-label Digital Health Solutions

About: Stephanie Kaslly

Recent Posts by Stephanie Kaslly

Enhancing Accessibility in Digital Health Solutions

The integration of digital technology in healthcare has revolutionized how we access medical services and information. However, these advancements must be accessible to everyone, including the 42.5 million Americans, roughly 13% of the population living with disabilities. This blog explores how digital health platforms can enhance accessibility by complying with regulatory standards and incorporating...
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Building a Sustainable Wellness Program for Long-Term Success

In the evolving competitive landscape of modern organizations, employee well-being has emerged as a crucial employee benefit to improve productivity, employee retention, and recruit new employees. With the realization that a healthy workforce leads to a healthy bottom line, organizations are increasingly investing in wellness programs. However, the challenge lies not just in implementing a...
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Boost HEDIS Scores with Member Rewards

HEDIS scores play an important role in measuring plan performance and have a significant financial impact on payers. More than 200 million people are enrolled in plans that report HEDIS results. HEDIS measures contribute to Star Ratings for Medicare Advantage plans, and for commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare health plans, HEDIS measures are...
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PDHI’s Commitment to Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Efforts

PDHI is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion through business practices and product offerings, which may include technology solutions or services. PDHI places a high value on promoting and maintaining an inclusive and equitable environment for all individuals, regardless of their background, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age,...
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5 Advantages of White-Labeling Digital Health Solutions

White-labeling refers to companies licensing products or services and rebranding them under their own identity. With this method, companies can leverage the latest technologies without needing to invest in their own development. Here’s why white-labeling has gained popularity, particularly in the health industry:

1. Optimizes Resources

White-labeling can be an effective way for organizations to create custom-branded...
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Unlocking the Potential of Health Assessments to Advance Health Equity and Reduce Disparities in Healthcare

To further advance health equity and improve health outcomes for the more than 170 million individuals supported by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) programs, CMS has published the CMS Framework for Health Equity 2022-2032. The framework sets priorities to identify and eliminate barriers to benefits and services based on race/ethnicity, language, gender...
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Maximizing Health Risk Assessment Completion Rates

Stratifying members by health risk is essential for health plans to drive effective clinical interventions. Health risk assessments (HRA) are an important tool for collecting health risks and identifying barriers to care, particularly where claims data is limited. And for Medicare and Medicaid health plans, health risk assessment completion is required to meet program...
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5 Technology Trends for Preventive Health

Healthcare technology continues to improve outcomes and productivity while advancing processes and practices.  Most importantly, it promises to improve population health management strategies and enhance the quality of care, impacting patient experience and outcomes. Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic forced a change in how businesses operate across all industries, and healthcare was no...
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